Pokemon season 15 episode 12
Pokemon season 15 episode 12

pokemon season 15 episode 12

The next attack’s gonna decide the battle. This is Gliscor’s first battle, so we should expect great things. Meowth: Ain't no place like dis place, so dis must be da place!Īsh: Time for my last Pokémon! Gliscor, I choose you! Gliscor: Gliscor! Dawn: What's he doing? If Ash wanted to attack from above, wouldn’t Staravia be better? Piplup: Lup! (Yeah!) Brock: Ash chose Gliscor after carefully considering Bastiodon’s moves. Team Rocket: Crikey, it's a Kabutops! Meowth: It must be doing security for the Gym! Brock: Not that! Roark: Can't you see that all your fossils have been STOLEN?! Byron: Stolen? Nooo! My precious fossil collection is gone! Jessie: I've just the thing in lieu of spanking! Yanmega, Sonic Boom! Ancient Family Matters! Roark: Somebody dug this hole! Byron: I don't believe it! I love this hole! Ash: You do? Byron: Give it a good look! Look how perfectly shaped it is! How it slopes gently downwards! Whoever dug this hole has the skill and the craftsmanship of a fearsome hole-digger! I must find the artisan who did this! Think of what it would do for my excavations! Roark: Dad, you better have a look over there! Byron: It can't be! Closer examination reveals this hole was dug by a machine. Jessie: Behave, or I'll have to spank you!

pokemon season 15 episode 12

Meowth: "Cookie!" A Breed Stampede! Ash: Hey, Grotle, do something quick! Grotle: Grotle! Gliscor: Gliscor.

pokemon season 15 episode 12

Opening theme song: Battle Cry - (Stand Up!).If you follow your heart, you can't be wrong. 46 The Needs of Three! (Agnome, Yuxie, Emrit!).

Pokemon season 15 episode 12